Printjam, artists’ group :

Today, prints and books published in small editions are considered as original artworks. Printmaking has become a fully grown artistic practice.

In this optics, we work together on experimental projects that take place since january 2014 in the printshop of Thomas Siemon in the Spinnerei in Leipzig.

Our projects are supported by Joop Stoop, printmakers ink and paper.


The first project started by printing one original relief print in four or five colours per artist (95x138cm).

In a second time, we started jamming with the plates that each of us had cut for his solo relief print. By mixing the different graphic elements, we created 156 unique Jamprints (95x138cm).

Then we cut up our plates and followed the same jamming idea to create the pages for the book Printjam. The book also contains solo pages that were specially created for the book and it is printed in 300 copies and published by Lubok Verlag.

Printjam 2

The second project Printjam 2 started from a collection of 38 collective drawings we made in 2015-16.

On the one hand, each of us choose three different drawings and interpreted them in linocut, translating the different materials from the drawings or focussing on the most interesting aspects of them. These 15 colourful prints are united in the portfolio Jamprint 2 (50x70cm) but they are also for sale as single prints.

With the printingplates we played around and combined them to 57 uniques Jamprints (50x70cm).

On the other hand, we scanned the drawings and prepared the images one by one, and each time in a different way, for a book printed from photopolymer plates. For each image, we looked for the best way to get a maximum of information through the use of only three colours: red, bleu and yellow. Then each of us choose three pages and reacted in a very intuitive way on them. The book Printjam 2 is printed in 350 copies and published by Lubok Verlag.

For more information, you can contact us by mail :

Have a nice visit on our blog!

Anna Hellsgård, Thomas Siemon, Edouard Wolton, Christian Gfeller, Lennart Grau and Wernher Bouwens

vendredi 13 octobre 2017

Printing of the poster and the invitations for the first Printjam 2 show at the Thalergallery in Leipzig from november 18th until december 1th.

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